
This is a mondo electric bike which seems too much like a motorcycle.  Maybe too high performance for a sustainable village.
I was thinking more along these lines.  A conventional bicycle that can take abusive roads.

The Zeitgeist film series should be required viewing for anyone open-minded enough to think a new thought.  Excellent summation of imperial insanity and its effects.  Despite being a thorough checklist of "what's wrong" the honesty gives a positive after taste.

Trans-Formation, by Max Igan has a similar aesthetic as Zeitgeist.  He probes what it means to be human, and critically examines an apparent movement by urban sophisticates to "merge" more overtly with technology.  Parts I found enlightening and sickening (the section on Morgellon's Syndrome, see Wikipedia blurb after the link.)

Morgellons is not recognized as a unique disorder, so there is currently no list of symptoms or differential diagnosis for Morgellons that is generally accepted by the medical community. Patients usually self-diagnose based on media reports and information from the internet.
The 2007 Atlas of Human Parasitology covers the proposed condition in its section on "Pseudoparasites and Artifacts":
Many dermatologists refute the suggestion that this is an actual disease but instead indicate that many of these patients have psychological problems or other common skin disorders. Given the large numbers of individuals who feel that they have this affliction, it will be most helpful over the coming years to have a valid scientific assessment of Morgellons disease and its possible etiology (or etiologies). One of the chief criticisms by many patients has been that they feel the medical community and other scientists consulted have not been open to the idea that there is possibly an as yet unidentified infectious or physiologic causation for the disease. However it is certainly true that many expert parasitologists, medical entomologists and other microbiologists have in fact carefully examined fibers and other materials expressed or extracted from such patients and found that biological organisms are not present. Although an apparent association of the condition with the presence of Lyme disease has been reported (Savely et al., 2006, Am J Clin Dermatol, 7:1–6), further research will be needed to help resolve the validity of Morgellons disease. Until then, whether Morgellons disease is another name for delusional parasitosis or a real disease entity with a biologic or physiologic basis will remain up in the air.[44]
If you are interested in real life , scary, science non-fiction, check out Morgellon's Syndrome.  Maybe you will want to move to the jungle, pythons and gunmen may feel less threatening. 

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