this is not me, but could be |
Krishna has grown on me lately, especially since watching 'Mahabharatha War' by Peter Brooks. The 3.5 hour movie dovetailed with divorce, foreclosure, and the economic debacle nicely and left me with a sense of having been jolted awake. I'll discuss that at length elsewhere, but the short of it is that Krishna seems to have functioned as a purveyor of dirty tricks to help the good guys, the ones who would carry the noble aspect of Indian/Vedic culture forward for subsequent generations. The so-called bad guys were acting in a way that would preserve no decent model for future generations. It was more important for Krishna to preserve this "light" by hook or crook, even at the risk of the total annihilation of everyone. It was clear from the film that there are some situations where operating by the rules, clear and above board, is not appropriate.
Krishna and Radha, she is usually in a wad because she does not know who he is running around with. |
Anyway, the point of the story! A few days later lady cornered me to discuss her meeting with a psychic who said the dollar would be devalued to worthlessness, the whooping cough vaccine was a death plot, and no body would get out alive, the situation ripens as we speak and the window of opportunity would shut around October, 2013. I've been sorting through ideas along those lines for a few years and so had less reaction to the news than she did. It is very weird to notice that the processes of the advanced nations, particularly those of the red white and blue variety are a death machine. I think red and black people have known it for a while, at least four or five hundred years. She was urgent and felt the need to act, basically to get out while she could. I tend to fish for opinions at this point, like the time my wife and I felt a hotel in New Delhi rock back and forth in an earthquake. We discussed whether to take the suitcases down or just go, under a swaying pendant light on the 16th floor. The melodrama combined with our ignorance and the logistical issue of taking the stair seemed more comic than dangerous, so we debated until it stopped and just stayed in the room.
A guy (now dead) named Rick Clay did a couple of long interviews on Red Ice Radio which helped me develop a pragmatic attitude toward the surreal and nightmarish world that seems to be cooking below the great screen resolution, botox injections, and developments with Smiley Myrus.
The most fabulous resource humans have is an awareness of consciousness. This is the gold that every advertisement and political ploy seeks to dominate, because once the battle for the mind is won, every resource is open for the taking. AND the mind is the primary tool that makes any resource valuable or valued in the first place. Check out the John Taylor Gatto interviews by 9-11 whistleblower Richard Grove.
These discussions help make sense out of the seemingly endless series of stupid decisions that continue to create something like Orwell's 1984. It is a battle for the mind, and there is no effective way to legislate or force that protection. The precious gray matter is open for plunder. It is painless and pleasant for most as the best part of being a human is pillaged by unseen forces. It sounds pretty paranoid until one gets familiar with the history behind the dire revelations.
Man of the Century, according to Henry Luce and company
aka Time Magazine in 1938
It took confidence to admit their fetish for the fuehrer.
It might have been more inconvenient a few years later.
It has been reported that Luce, during the 1960s tried LSD and
reported that he had talked to God under its influence.[7]
Once ambitious to become Secretary of State in a Republican
administration, Luce penned a famous article in Life magazine in
1941, called "The American Century", which defined the role of
American foreign policy for the remainder of the 20th century
(and perhaps beyond).[5]
My advice to me and anyone who will listen is to protect the mind, treat it like a million dollar PC: don't throw it around, keep it in a nice cover, don't fish around on junk websites to contract potent viruses designed by expert virus inventors, and finally, as recommended by Patanjali in his yoga sutras around 500BCE, there are three sources of good information:
1. Your own clear insight, natural to an un-perturbed mind (rare these days). 2. The writings of truly wise guides.
3. The words of individuals who have a clear and unsullied mind, established by legitimate references, not their own assurance. (Maybe not politicians, seminar hosts, comedians, religious authorities, or anyone who ever rated a Time magazine cover. Just sayin'...)
I wonder why they chose the machine of the year to stand in for a person. Protect your head; they won't. |
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